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Shars Tool Company COVID-19 Statement

The health and safety of our clients and our employees is our top priority. Like most businesses, we are closely monitoring the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. We are actively following all guidelines and directives as information becomes available from the CDC and industry experts. We have taken multiple steps to minimize health risks to insure we remain able to provide the products and services we deliver each and every day. We have implemented new standards in the way we process orders and arrange our customer service department

1: We have instructed our employees to use all proper PPE when processing orders which include using nitrile gloves, masks and sanitizing all processing areas daily.

2: We have limited our walk in customers to a designated pick up area and no longer allow general walk in traffic without an appointment. We also require all pick up orders to be prepaid to limit any unnecessary exposure to our employees and facility.

3: Our customer service staff and technical support have the ability if necessary, to operate remotely to assure uninterrupted service during the COVID-19 outbreak. excluding shipping if carriers are ordered to cease operations.

We are committed to servicing our customers to the best of our ability during this challenging time and may we all come out of this healthier and stronger than before!
