Edge Technology Pro Tram System 1/2" Shank With 0.25" .0005" Indicator
Shipping UPS Ground
Shipping UPS Ground
Mfg SKU # | 09-000 |
Layout Setup Category | Center Indicators (Co-Ax & 3D) |
Brand | Edge Technology |
shank size | 1/2 |
graduation | 0.0005 |
Measuring Range Dial Indicator | 0.25" |
Dial Reading | 0-50 |
The Pro Tram by Edge Technology makes the process of tramming your mill fast, easy and accurate. Tramming is the process of squaring the head of your mill to the table. Most machinists know that if your mill is not trammed properly, surface finishes will be poor and parts will not be flat or square. Most machinists also know that conventional tramming techniques can be tedious and time consuming. The Pro Tram solves these issues allowing you to tram your mill quickly and accurately. To use the Pro Tram simply lower the unit down onto the table and adjust the head until both indicators read the same number. Repeat this process for the opposite axis and you are done. The Pro Tram is also sized perfectly to fit the bed of a 6 inch vise allowing you to tram the head to the vise instead of the table. If you want to spend less time tramming your mill and more time machining parts then you need the Pro Tram by Edge Technology.