How to Use:
- Combine the appropriate screw to the ParaKeep body to achieve desired length; - We suggest the length of the combined ParaKeep + screw to match the length of the material stock when using standard 1/8" parallels
The ParaKeep 5S Kit comes standard with the ParaKeep and 3", 2" and 1" Screw. In addition, we added a 1.5" and .75" stainless steel spring for the few jobs the Parakeep won't fit.
The versatility of the ParaKeep is the result of it's threaded, steel encased, spring loaded design.
1" Screw with ParaKeep would cover 1.125" - 2.125"
2" Screw with ParaKeep would cover 2.125" - 3.125"
3" Screw with ParaKeep would cover 3.125" - 4.125"
Use the provided springs in instances when your material stock size is less than 1.125" long