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More Information
Indexable Insert CategoryMilling Inserts
To be used onAlloy Steel, Stainless Steel
ANSI NumberSDMT32.53-DM
ISO NumberSDMT09T312DM
Insert StyleSDMT
Insert Size09T312
Inscribed Circle3/8
Insert Thickness5/32
corner radius0.047
Insert GradeYBG202
Chip BreakerDM
CoatingPVD nc-TiAlN


Alloy SteelAlloy Steel
Stainless SteelStainless Steel


  • DM Chipbreaker

    Preferred choice chip breaker on P category material semi-finish M Class tolerance double sided chip breaker with their light cutting force with wide chipping range can achieve beter results on high adhesive alloy steels.

  • YBG202 Coating

    It's suitable for milling from light to medium load and bore machining of all kinds of materials, turning of stainless steel from finishing to semi-finishing and rough turning of high temperature alloy. It's a combination of 2-4 um nc-TiAlN coating and ultra-fine carbide substrate to yield high strength and toughness. Nano structure nc-TiAln coating process ensures higher tenacity and hardness. This coating grade results in smooth surface finish on the insert, which reduce friction and increase chip flows. TiAlN (Titaninum Aluminum Nitride) has the characteristic of excellent thermal resistance and wear resistance and offers effective protection on the cutting edge of the chip breaker.

